Decomposition of the €7 billion increase in payment appropriations for ecological planning between 2023 and 2024
The €7 billion increase is divided into 6 categories
The €7 billion increase is divided into 6 categories
This seminar, hosted by the French Ministry of Economy and Finance, marked the end of a training project on green budgeting within the European Union that started in 2021
As a forerunner in the field of green budgeting, France has published the 4th edition of the Report on the Environmental impact of the Central Government Budget, Green Budget, as an annex to the 2024 Budget Bill.
Since 2020, the preparation of the central government budget has included a green component. Each year, as an annex to the Finance Bill, the government publishes a report, the green budget, listing all expenditure having a favourable or unfavourable impact on the environment.